Sunday, February 6, 2011

Life is hard

There are good things to marriage - mainly, your spouse. That person is there so support, comfort and love you; to be a rock when things feel like they are falling apart around you. Life is hard, we are broken people and sometimes we need a little extra help. 

To that spouse who constantly provides that shoulder, good job. You are a rockstar on a daily basis. I can only imagine it is a difficult, all-consuming job.

I don't know if I am strong enough to be that person.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Peace Corps

Since I have no emotional or physical ties or obligations to a spouse, partner or child I have freedom. With that freedom, I can choose to do a lot of things (if I so choose to):

  • Take random vacations and road trips
  • Spend money generously without thought of anyone but myself
  • Leave my house/room/car in whatever state of mess (or un-mess) makes me happy
  • Travel the world
  • Start/stop a job on a whim
  • Join the Peace Corps
Perhaps these things just might happen.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


#1 reason not to get requires a wedding. Now, some would say that it doesn't actually require a wedding and that eloping somewhere like Vegas would be great. I don't think those people have families. Getting married requires a wedding. One really big, outrageously expensive wedding. $1300 for a dress...oh my. Wedding plans are flying around here. Some like it small, some like it big. I think the big will win. Thank goodness it's not me.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Christmas is like crack for kids. What part of that is good?

Monday, November 29, 2010


People change...unfortunately not always for the best.  Heaven forbid I end up marrying that person.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The #1 Reason

The #1 reason why I will not have kids...

Diapers! I was hanging out with the kid yesterday when she had a stinky diaper. This was not just any dirty was the worst thing I have ever seen come out of a person. Who knew it could be so colorful...and who knew I could gag so many times without actually vomiting.

I don't see how parents do it.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

My friends are perfect; a true picture of what a marriage should be. They have been married for longer than I have been alive. They are understanding of each other and open to each others ideas. It appears that they truly listen to each other and try to be as giving of themselves as possible. He can't help but talk about how she is just as perfect as the first time he laid eyes on her. She also often tells of the sweet things he does to show his love for her whether it is buying flowers, a random middle of the day phone call or surprise dates. 

Perfect - until one of them was unfaithful and cheated on their spouse. What is it that would make someone who is so in love with their spouse (or at least appear on all accounts to be in love) cheat? Unfortunately it is just a reminder that marriage is hard; amazingly difficult even. Even if I were to get married to an amazing person what is there to say that another opportunity, if you will, will come along for either one of us?