Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Favorite Time of Year

Back to school time is definitely one of my favorite times of the year. I really love buying new school supplies. I remember as a kid always doing back to school shopping with my family, particularly with my mom. There is something about new things and the start of a new year. It's exciting.

Living in downtown Olympia, I am only blocks from one local elementary school that serves a large portion of our homeless students. Several years ago I realized that they don't get that same experience. Typically these students do not get the opportunity to go back to school shopping with their mom or even know how it feels to get new school supplies. So now I do my part to make that happen.

Why don't I want to have kids? I don't ever have to want to be put in a position where I am unable to provide for them; where I am unable to do something as simple as provide them with new school supplies for such an important time in their life. No one should have to go without - whether it be school supplies, or clothes, or food or shelter.

I have no plans of being in that situation myself. But heaven forbid I am, I would never want to make a child go through it with me.

Monday, August 30, 2010

A colorful load of laundry

Crayons in the dryer. Enough said.

Saturday, August 28, 2010


My married friends complain. And often. It seems lately that they are complaining about waiting on their spouse. When I am ready to go I leave. There is no waiting on a husband or kids or struggling  to get everyone in the car. It's just me. And I love it.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

I don't want to...

Common words for all kids. This morning I heard one that went kind of like this...

K: I don't want to go to camp.
P: Why not?
K: I don't know anyone and my friend isn't going to be there
P: You should go and make new friends
K: I don't want to
P: But I have to go to work
K: But I don't want to

Kid wins. In turn, parents spend the morning rearranging their schedules to accommodate the fact that their child doesn't want to do something.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Poopoo in Hawkeye's Room!

Welcome to my blog - totally devoted to why I have no intentions of getting married or having children (mostly the latter). So to start you off with the number one reason I will not be having kids:

This moment could be what started it all...almost a year ago, my roommate's daughter (Sophia) left me a present while at work.