Thursday, September 23, 2010

Trying to Sleep

A friend of mine comes to work today complaining about how tired she was because she had to sleep on the couch last night. When I asked why she slept on the couch she just played with her phone. I was so confused...and then I heard this:


Her husband snores. So much so he woke her up in the middle of the night and then she couldn't fall back asleep. Of course, he would never believe her so she decided to tape it. I am ever so thankful that she did...never getting married.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Reason #

Multiple times a day at work I find myself saying 'that is reason number...why I am never getting married/having kids.' The one that made me laugh today:

'I am lucky to be in a wonderful marriage. But I have to be honest, it was better before we had kids. If we knew then what we know now we would have never had kids.'

Friday, September 10, 2010

Meaningful Text Conversation with Mom

My friend Heather (who also does not want kids) sent me a message today. It was a text conversation she had with her mom:

Mom: "How'd the unpacking going?"
Me: "Hahahahaha"
Mom: "Oh."
Me: "They left me with the kids as soon as I got here yesterday. Then Britt had her interview today and got very lost. Twice. I was so irritable by the time she got back."
Mom: "Meh heh."
Me: "Exactly."
Mom: "Well. Um. Yeah."
Me: "And Em is on her 6th pair of panties. And at 2:30 this morning Rayden was freezing so I put him in bed with me and right away his diaper leaked. 'Slept' on the couch."
Mom: "Welcome to Motherhood 101."
Me: "I tried throwing myself fown the stairs but then I remembered abstinence works just as well."
Mom: "What?!? No kids in your future??? Shocker."
Me: "Hate to break it to ya, Mom."
Mom: "It's ok. At least you will have your sanity."
Me: "That might be a premature statement. They may be shipping me home in a straight jacket manana."
Mom: "Ohh. I hope it's a pretty jacket with shiney buckles. That would be cool?"
Me: "At least let me be insane in style. I hear that military-inspired jackets are popular again this season."
Mom: "Awesome. You can accessorize and dress them up or down. Gotta look at the bright side!"
Me: "A positive mental patient. I like it!"
Mom: "Yes! Yes! Yes!"

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Today I heard a conversation between my friends and their new high schooler. Oh high school boys, well students really, how they have no concept of money.  After the 2nd day of school he comes home with a new t-shirt sporting his school colors. When asked where he got the shirt the answer was that he bought it. When asked where he got the money? Silly question, he used his lunch money (for the rest of the week). Lunch was $2. Shirts, conveniently enough were on sale for $8. I suppose more lunch money will just magically appear tomorrow kind of like it did today. I would only like to assume it will only be a couple of bucks.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

My Way

I like things my way. The thought of having to compromise for the rest of my life would drive me crazy.

Put the seat down
Don't stir the coffee and put the spoon back in the sugar
There shouldn't really be dirty dishes in the sink
I really hate people using my toothpaste
Throw away the empty toilet paper roll
I need the alarm to go off for 45 minutes before I am ready to get out of bed

All things I am pretty sure I could possibly commit murder over. Funny how the little things add up. Ok. Really, I'm selfish.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Yesterday I finally decided to announce that I have a blog. Oh that Facebook - it never disappoints. Posting the link to this blog created a mix of comments. A few funny, some matter of fact and even one or two slightly disheartened by my choices. One particular comment was:

Interesting that some of the best candidates to be parents are choosing not to be parents. Fortunately lots are also choosing to be parents.

Though I appreciate the confidence in my abilities to be able to successfully raise children it has more to do with those that are not the best candidates. Why should I have kids when there are already so many in the world that need parents who are able to be parents instead of growing up (or not) alongside their children? Though no plan to have children, it is my plan to make a difference in the lives of as many of them as possible. One child at a time, one day at a time.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Today a friend of mine was retelling a story and as she was telling it I couldn't help but get goosebumps. The gist of the story is that for various reasons she thought her son had been abducted. And in that moment, listening to her talk about her family frantically searching for him, I felt terror. Even knowing the positive outcome ahead of time, I couldn't help but feel just a tiny bit of the fear that she must have been experiencing at that time.

I never want to have to experience that for myself.